Thursday, March 24, 2011

a little divine of mine thursday

excuse the fact that this image isn't is from my phone. this is the chandelier in Ro-Ro's room. it hangs in the corner and is really the focal point of the room. i picked it up in broad ripple when we were actively on the waitlist for ethiopian adoption #2 (before we ever knew that Ro-Ro or the option of Ro-Ro even existed). the Rep actually spotted it in the store window and pointed it out to me as something he thought would be great in our little girl's room. and it is. it is one of my favorite items in our home. it was not overly pricey and when it is turned on, it brings life and light to the room. i certainly consider it to be a little divine of mine. what do you have in your home or life that you think is divine? an old photo? your dog? a pair of jimmy choo stilettos? a cold beer in the fridge? i want to know! comment or link and share!


  1. Love the blog and love your Thursday theme. In honor of our one year anniversary of a successful court date, I will say that the 'little divine of mine' this week would be the sweet dimples (all four of them) on my baby boy's cheeks!
    Sappy? Yes. Divine? Very.

  2. Mine would have to be my two girls grinning at each other like fools in the car on the way to school today...divine indeed:)
    And I also love your blog! Informative and funny:)

  3. The stairwell in our house leading upstairs is my little divine. The wall is lined with important artifacts from our lives (pictures, my preserved wedding bouquet, artwork purchased from the places we have traveled, and my grandfather's Air Force pilot wings).

  4. The most divine thing in my many sweet treasures to choose from!?! I love more than anything all the things were given/made with LOVE!
